Western Trax Billy Lids Tour is about to make tracks around The South West. Participating Communities are Surat, Charleville, Mitchell and Cunnamulla. The participating sport and recreation codes are: Susie Klein, NRL Game Development, Touch QLD, Tennis QLD, Golf QLD and Netball QLD. All mums and bubs from 0-5 years of age are welcome. There will be great giveaways and opportunities of participating in these great sports and ultimately have a great laugh. We will be bouncing into Surat on Monday 26 November 2012 at 3.30pm – 5pm at Surat Recreational Oval, Charlotte Street, Surat. Mitchell Tuesday 27 November at 10.30am-12.00 noon at Mitchell RSL & Sports Complex, Ann Street, Mitchell. Charleville Wednesday 28 November at 10.00am – 12.00 noon at Graham Andrews Parkland, Sturt Street, Charleville and Cunnamulla Thursday 29 November at 10.00am – 12.00 noon at Cunnamulla State School, 17 Francis Street, Cunnamulla. Please spread the word…..
For more details on the Billy Lids Tour or the Billy Lids Program please contact Tanya Darney on 0421023042 or coordinator@swin.org.au
Day 1 for the Surat Billy lids sports tour was a great success we had 10 mums, 3 dads and 20 kids aged from 0-5 years. Even in the heat the parents all participated in tennis, rugby league, Indigenous artwork, touch football, netball and golf. Thanks to Jessica Walsh and her volunteers who helped out and all of their hard work.
Day 2 started with an early start on the road to Mitchell. When we got to Mitchell there was a change of plans and we decided to combine Billy Lids with the school aged kids. We had a fantastic turnout in Mitchell with 10 parents and 40 kids who enjoyed playing tennis, rugby league, Indigenous Artwork, touch football, netball and golf.
Day 3 in Charleville on the Billy Lids Roadshow saw 11 mums and 11 kids participate actively in touch, tennis, Indigenous art, golf, netball and Rugby league with enthusiasm. The ladies learnt lot’s about the sports and are eager to take up some golf and league after the visits from the development officers. The session finished with some fresh cold fruit and tasty healthy sandwiches. Thanks to Donna Enders and her volunteers for all of their hard work.
Day 4 started with a change of venue at Cunnamulla due to the severe hit weather. Thanks to Jade at PCYC for allowing us to use PCYC building at short notice. There was a great turnout with 7 participating mums and 12 bubs. The ladies had a great time and want wait for another mums and bub’s tour. Thanks to Rae the champion and her volunteers for their hard work with the Billy Lids mums and bubs program.