This weekend the SWIN Seamers take on QLD Cricket’s ‘Imparja Cup’ state Indigenous cricket side in a T20 clash as part of the state teams preparation for the National Indigenous Cricket Championships!
The T20 battle will take place this Sunday (1st of February) in Brisbane at the Brisbane Grammar School cricket fields at Northgate.

This will be the second clash between the two sides with the state team taking the honours in last years inaugural clash and winning the Nev Paulsen Cup. 

As well as participating in the T20 clash the SWIN Seamers (who were selected from the 2014 Western Rivers Cup event with a number of experienced players added to help mentor the team) will also be participating in a number of high performance training opportunities across the weekend including training sessions at the National Cricket Centre.

The SWIN social media pages will be updated regularly throughout the weekend with photos and score updates as the Seamers go into camp in preparation for Sunday’s big showdown with the state team so make sure to keep an eye on the SWIN sites for all the latest info and news.


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