The annual general meeting for SWIN will be taking place in Charleville on Wednesday 22nd October 2014.
All positions will be declared vacant and those wishing to nominate for a role on the 2014/15 SWIN Executive must be eligible under the Membership section of the SWIN Constitution.
Please Note:
(Core and Organisational Membership)
- Membership on the Executive: The Applicant must be a member of the association and must be proposed by a Core Member of the association (the proposer) and seconded by another Core Member of the association (the seconder). In addition, an application for membership must be in writing, signed by applicant and the applicant’s proposer and seconder, and in the form decided by the management committee.
- Member Representation: Core Members are to nominate 2 people of their organisation to become voting members of the South West Indigenous Network. While Organisation Members are to nominate only 1 person as a voting member of the South West Indigenous Network.
(Community Members)
- Community Members do not have any voting rights in the association but can be nominated and appointed to the Executive Committee ONLY if they are a current member of the association.
For any further information please see the SWIN Website or contact the SWIN office on 0737 9865.